Progression & Assessment

A young persons instrumental musical journey can often start as early as Key Stage 1 and take them right through college and beyond! The instrumental teacher is often the key link throughout this journey, monitoring and mentoring their progression through each Key Stage and educational establishment. This consistency has shown to improve continuation levels and be an important factor in encouraging the young musician to embrace the wider musical world.

WMS has its own detailed Staged Assessment system. This is used to progressively monitor every pupil’s progress and roughly equate to national external examinations. At the end of every level the pupil is awarded a certificate by their teacher. Although many Music Services have internal staged assessments these are not nationally recognised by other institutions such as music colleges and universities.

Wakefield Music Services is also an established examination centre for national bodies such as ABRSM, Trinity Guildhall and Rock School. These sessions are held two or three times a year at Manygates Music Centre. WMS also runs theory lessons for students who wish to progress past Grade 5.

The graded examinations offered by ABRSM and other bodies, are nationally and internationally recognised and form part of the National Qualifications Framework. The decision to enter a pupil for an external examination lies with the pupil’s instrumental teacher and is dependent on pupil progress and practice record. All fees for external examinations must be paid in advance by the parent/carer. Please note that there are no fees attached to the Service’s own Staged Assessments.

Progress and attainment is communicated in several ways including;

  • Annual Report to parents
  • Presentation of WMS Staged Assessment Certificates
  • Use of Practice Diary – these are issued free each year and are an important form of two way communication
  • Face to face and telephone conversations

If at any point you have any questions about your child’s progress then please use the practice diary or contact the music office.