Playing music together in a group is what really brings music alive for a lot of budding young musicians. For many that valuable experience takes place in one of our three vibrant Music Centres. Horbury and Hemsworth run on a Saturday morning between 9.00-12.00 with Manygates on a Wednesday evening from 5.30-8.30 . Manygates also hosts other Central Ensembles, classes and instrumental lessons throughout the week.
All 3 Music Centres provide a range of progressive groups from beginner through to advanced and include Wind Bands, String Ensembles, Guitar Groups, Jazz Groups and much more including opportunities for adults and the whole family!
Music Centres also provide numerous performance and concert opportunities for the hundreds of young people that attend.

Please click on the Music Centre links to find out more about each centre.
Membership to Music Centres and other WMS groups costs just £55 per term. This allows you to attend as many activities as you wish. Membership fees may be subsidised depending on your circumstances.
To find out more about the various groups and times, please click on the Music Centre links above. You can also follow each Music Centre on Facebook for the latest news and updates.
If you would like to speak to somebody or find out how to join then please contact the music office.